Answers created by chandramohanPanakkal
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What is the circumference of the sun in millimeters?
What is the Copernican Theory?
Why was the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) created?
A generator produce 100kwatt power at a potential difference of 10 KV the power transmitted through cable of total resistance 5 ohm how much power dissipated in the cables?
How do you convert 240 miles per hour to feet per second?
The length of telescope is 100cm and magnification is 9 the focal length of objective and eyepiece is ? answer is 90cmamd 10cm but how?
What is the precise definition of a parsec?
Why do scientists think Earth's core contains iron?
Find the average velocity of a car which travels 360 km in 6 hours, show in m/s and km/h
Approximately how many moons are there in the solar system that are larger than Pluto?
How many moons does the sun have?
What determines whether a star will eventually become a white dwarf or explode in a super nova?
An object in satellite orbiting around the earth is weightless due to?
How does a black hole form?
How much power is produced if a voltage of 6 V6V is applied to a circuit with a resistance of 42 Omega?
How do the sun and stars move?
What are the lunar mare?
What the distance to the next galaxy ?
What is the difference between the rotation of the earth and that of the moon?
Why are supernovas hard to spot in our own galaxy?
How are fossil fuels used to make energy?
What is the group of constellations the Sun appears to travel through in the sky?
How are electric power and electrical energy related?
What is a standard candle?
How are fossil fuels used to generate electricity?
What is Jupiter's perihelion and aphelion?
What is the difference between the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory?
How is balance between the differen objects in the solar system?
How far away is the center of our galaxy from the sun?
What are planetary motions?
What are nebulae?
How does the moon's gravity differ from earth's?
How do binoculars work?
What is the distance from earth to sun in astronomical units?
Which planets are smaller than earth?
What method do scientists use to tell how far a galaxy is?
Is Mars the only planet that has had a rover landed on it?
How can heat cause motion in a liquid?
Does solar energy need to be used right away?
How has the Hubble Space Telescope helped humankind?
What does the universe expanding mean?
How does the Hubble Space Telescope work?
How do telescopes work?
Which of the planets occasionally have their poles pointed almost directly at the Sun?
How is it possible that the Sun side of the moon is always facing us?
How would I find the distance of a star in parsecs and light years if parallax is known? For example, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, has a parallax of 0.379 arcsec. What is its distance in parsecs? In light years?
What affect does gravity have on stars?
How does a reflecting telescope work?
How do space probes send images to earth?
What is the actual source of earth's magnetic field?
Who first theorized that the earth revolved around the sun?
What triggers nuclear fusion in stars?
When latitude increase what does the intensity of the solar system do?
What is the name of the nearest constellations of the Earth?
What uses sound waves to locate objects underwater?
How many minutes does it take light from the sun to reach Earth?
If it takes over a Million years for light to reach the suns outer levels how long does it take to reach earth?
What is transformer?
How are radio teles different from a keck telescopes?
What is the difference in life cycles of a star that starts with a nebula and forms a black hole when in dies compared to a star that ends as a black dwarf?
What is a black hole in space?
Why is the voltage across a bulb the same as the battery in a series circuit?
Is your body expanding according to Hubble's Law? Is the Earth expandable?
When the earth was made, how was water was formed?
How is solar energy beneficial for the environment?
What electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelengths?
What astronomical cycle causes climate changes?
How can plastic reduce food waste?
You are watching a meteor shower. You notice that some of the "falling stars" are green, and others are blue. What does this tell you about the meteors that are involved in the storm?
Why are Supernovas important to life on earth?
What are the planetary motions?
How does mass and volume relate to matter?
Why is it that in a rainy day a weak wind was able cause a coconut tree to fall ?
What is the current composition of the atmosphere?
What revolutions occur in the sun-earth-moon system?
What is the smallest known planet in the Solar System? How much smaller is it than earth?
What is cosmological redshift?
How many constellations are in the Zodiac?
How does the energy produced in the core of the sun reach the surface?
What is dense matter?
What force acts between all objects all the time?
Where did fossil fuels originally get their energy from?
What are differences between parallel and series circuit .?
How many suns can fit in our galaxy?
What indirect evidence do geologists use to study the structure of the earth?
How does warmer temperatures affect takeoffs?
How do we detect other galaxies?
How much bigger is the diameter of Jupiter compared to the Earth's?
Why is betelgeuse considered a red giant?
Why are black holes invisible?
Can you create electricity with a magnet?
What kind of a star goes “nova” (not supernova)?
Which bodies of water does the Nile River originates in?
Where do we find white dwarfs on the H–R diagram?
When does the atmosphere gets heated up? a.early morning b.mid day 2:00 pm d.late evening
A boy makes a ruler with graduations in cm in it. To what accuracy this ruler can measure? How can this accuracy be increased?
Which is longer on Venus, one day or one year?
Why does the speed of earth's rotation not affect us?
Why is Pluto's orbit different compared to other planets?
How is a planetary nebula formed?
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