Questions asked by Jaspreet Kaur
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How does Taenia solium perform self fertilization during sexual reproduction even when protandrous condition exists?
What is the total number of AlF3 molecules in a sample of AlF3 containing 3.01⋅1023 fluoride ions ?
5.85 g of NaCl is dissolved in 1 L of pure water . How do you calculate the number of ions in 1mL of this solution?
Ratio of Cp and Cv of a gas 'X' is 1.4. Calculate the number of atoms of the gas present in 11.2 liters of it at NTP?
Alveoli are lined by squamous epithelial cell layer. Epithelial cells are essentially avascular. Thus, how does the blood in the body get oxygenated via alveoli?
What causes ringworm ? What's it's span in the host body ?
Why viroids and virusoids do not cause diseases in animals ?
The degree of dissociation of Ca(NO3)2 in a dilute aqueous solution containing 14g of the salt per 200 g of water at 100∘C is 70% .If the vapour pressure of water is 760 mmHg , what will be the vapour pressure of the solution ?
A sample of drinking water severely contaminated with chloroform , CHCl3 ,is supposed to be carcinogenic in nature . The level of combination was 15 ppm (by mass) .What is the molality of chloroform in the water sample ?
Equimolal solutions of KCl and compound X in H2O show depressions of freezing pts. in a 4:1 ratio . Assuming KCl to be ionized completely , the compound X must ?
For the reactions,
Which one of the following statement is correct?
A)x>y B)x<y C)x=y D)more data required
9.2g of dinitrogen tetroxide is taken in a closed 1L vessel and heated till the following equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium, 50% of the N2O4(g) is dissociated. What is the equilibrium constant (in mol/liter) ?
A vessel at 1000K contains CO2 with a pressure of 0.5atm. Some of the CO2 is converted into CO on the addition of graphite. If the total pressure at equilibrium is 0.8atm, the value of Kp is?
In the Haber process, 30 L of H2 and 30 L of N2 were used for a reaction which yielded only 50% of the expected product. What will be the composition of gaseous mixture under these condition in the end?
When an important predator starfish 'Piasater' was experimentally removed from an enclosed idertidal area of communities of the American Pacific coast, it resulted in extinction of +10 species of invertebrates with in a year? why?
Weight of 50 atoms of an element is 3000 a.m.u. Calculate the number of atoms in 240 grams of element?
In the preparation of CaO from CaCO3 using the equilibrium,
CaCO3(s) <------> CaO(s) + CO2(g)
Log Kp = 7.282- 8500/T
For complete decomposition of CaCO3, the temperature in Celsius is ?
A) 1167
B) 894
C) 8500
D) 850
CsBr crystallises in a body-centred cubic (bcc) lattice. The unit cell lengt is 436.6pm. Given that the atomic mass of Cs= 133u and that of Br=80u. What will be the density of CsBr?
a) 0.425g/cm^3
b) 8.25g/cm^3
c) 42.5g/cm^3
d) 4.25g/cm^3
What will be the pH of the solution that results from the addition of 20mL of 0.01M Ca(OH)2 to 30mL of 0.01M HCl?
A copper rod is suspended in a non-homogeneous magnetic field region. How will it align itself in equilibrium?
A railway track running N-S has 2 parallel rails 1m apart. If the horizontal component of magnetic field at that place is 0.3*10^-4 and angle of dip is 60°, then what'll be the value of induced emf b/w the rails when a train passes at a speed of 90km/ h?
A 15g ball is shot from a spring gun whose spring has force constant of 600N/m. The spring is compressed by 5cm. What is the greatest possible horizontal range of the ball for this compression is (take g=10m/s^2)?
How to calculate oxidation number of Iron in ferriferrocyanide Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 ?
How should the diameter of the wire used be chosen so to minimize the heat dissipated in windings ? Check the details in question.
How many litres of liquid CCl4 ( d=1.5 g/cc) must be measured out to contain 10^25 CCl4 molecules?