Answers created by Karen L.
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What is the pH of carbon dioxide? What is the pH of carbon dioxide?
How do you graph point A (-x,-y) on a coordinate plane and how do you know in which quadrant you should graph point A?
I know if a speaker address another character by their name directly it should have commas around it. But what if they used the pronoun you instead. Such as,
"You leave her alone!" Should there be a comma after "you"?
Does comma placement change the meaning of a sentence?
What is the Lewis dot diagram for copper?
Instead of having to know HTML code, most Web sites will have templates that make creating Web résumés easy.?
What is iambic pentameter?
Why is punctuation so important? Are there any cases where it is not needed?
What are examples of gases to liquids?
Why do bases make good household cleaners?
What is a metaphor?
How we differentiate between galaxies in the universe?
How do elliptical, irregular, and spiral galaxies differ from each other?
Question #c5f67
Question #b8f05
Would you rather work 7 days at $20 per day or be paid $2 for the first day and have your salary double every day for a week?
Is it interpreted as excited banter or yelling when someone ends a sentence with an exclamation point?
I'm writing a flashback in a book. Should I write it in first person and present tense like the rest of the book? Or should I write the flashback (4 months earlier) in first person past tense?
What is a "special verb"? How are they used?
My English teacher wants us to make an illustration of the word "characterization" on a piece of blank printer paper. What could I draw?
What type of literary device is this: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."?
What is the meaning of a road sign with only an exclamation point on it?
Can you say "What's up" without adding a question mark?
What is the correct way to use apostrophes with grades? For example, "My report card has all As." Do I need an apostrophe before the "s"?
What is an example of a rhetorical question?
What is a symbol in poetry?
What are some good horse puns?
During the alarm stage, stress hormones cause what to happen?
What does a question mark look like?
Is there a difference between a characterization and a character sketch?
How can I teach definite and indefinite articles? How should I introduce the concept in an enjoyable way to Elementary school students?
What is an example of assimilation and accommodation?
What are examples of verisimilitude?
How do you say the word, "parentheses"?
Do all poems have to rhyme?
How do I write an APA reference?
How do you teach irony to middle school students?
What is situational irony?
I have a table which shows me how to conjugate verbs in the past tense but it only tells me for regular verbs, être, avoir, dire, faire and aller. How do I conjugate other irregular verbs in the past tense?
What are examples of metonymy?
What are examples of portmanteau? I need 10 portmanteau words that are verbs.
Like twist + swirl = twirl. I have to write an equation like that for each one (containing the two words).
What is anti-social personality disorder?
How do you find the rhyme scheme of a poem?
What is the verb that means 'to make something illegal'? Is there a word like de-legalize or unlegalize?
What are examples of oxymorons?
How does the characterization of Jack Merridew in "Lord of the Flies" move the plot along?
"High diddle diddle,
The Cat and the Fiddle,
The Cow jumped over the moon.
The little Dog laughed
To see such craft,
And the Dish ran away with the Spoon."
What is the rhyme scheme?
What are the treatment options for anxiety disorder?
What causes Anxiety disorder and OCD?
Do you have to put a question mark after a rhetorical question?
What are some treatments for antisocial personality disorder?
In English, when should one use single quotation marks vs double quotation marks?
Is "Let's don't." grammatically correct?
Can you help with replacing personal pronouns in a sentence? I'm writing an essay for school.
What are some treatment options for addiction?
Question #66b61
What is anger management?
What is the past tense of "be"? Could you tell me all the forms of be? My book asked me to use be in a past perfect tense.
Where is the location of adrenal glands?
Are these phrases an expression of a hyperbole? If not, then what is it?
Could you help me with replacing possessive pronouns and pronouns for a story I wrote?
Who are the famous people that have antisocial personality disorder?
What is the meaning of assimilation?
Overnight the low temperature dropped to -6 degrees Fahrenheit. If the high temperature during the day was 11 degrees Fahrenheit, what was the difference between the high and low temperatures?
What is the common element of all therapies?
What is the fight-or-flight response and the three stages of the general adaption syndrome?
What are some methods for treating anxiety?
There are 9 frogs on a lily pad. 7 of the frogs hop in the water. How many frogs are left on the lily pads?
What is anxiety in psychology?
What is the subject of a story, and what is the theme? I really need help. Thanks.
What is the correct way to write possessive apostrophes on names ending in "s"? For example, Nicholas' mother or Nicholas's mother, which is correct?
What is the difference between ‘Situational Irony’ and ‘Verbal Irony’ with examples?
One season King scored 60 points. 55% of his points were assists. How many were scored on assists?
What part of our brain is the center for emotions called?
Can you explain pronouns and give a few examples?
Which are the plural possessive forms of the following words?
A student who completes 7 out of the 10 problem will receive what grade on the homework?
Are there examples of sentences that have no subject?
What is the importance of acetylcholinesterase?
If you divide an inheritance of $45,600.00 among 22 heirs, how much will each heir receive?
What is 24+64?
What is the niche of the gray wolf?
Greg and Peter bought a large pizza to share. Greg ate 5/8 of the pizza. What fraction of the pizza was left for Peter?
Question #5874f
For lunch Miriam bought two sandwiches for $2 each. She bought a juice drink for $1. She bought a fruit cup for $1. How much did Miriam's lunch cost?
What is the author's diction in To Kill A Mockingbird? I need to explain Harper Lee's diction in To Kill A Mockingbird, as well as provide an example of it. AND, I need a picture. How can you visualize diction?
What is an epilogue?
Your recipe for banana pudding calls for two pounds of bananas. If they are priced at four pounds for $0.99, how much would you pay for two pounds?
Question #159c0
How do you convert a fraction to a decimal?
How many ounces are in a quart?
How is alcohol classified?
What is a Central Nervous System-active drug?
Dreams occur during which stage of sleep?
While fishing Carol caught two fish and her sister caught seventeen fish. How many fewer fish did Carol catch than her sister?
If someone suffers from psychosis, does alcohol exacerbate the symptoms?
What is anti-social Behavior?
What is 14.912-:1.6?
What is 1.44 -: 1.2?
Can excess Acetylcholine cause depression?