Pressure Physics Fluid Mechanics Pressure Questions What is a manometer? And how is this used to measure pressure? Question #63929 What force on a floating object displaces 0.6 m3 of water? At what depth below the surface of oil, relative density 0.8, will the oil produce a pressure of 120 kN/m2? What depth of water is this equivalent to? What will be the gauge pressure and the absolute pressure of water at depth 12m below the surface? What happens to pressure if it is concentrated into a small area? How is pressure related to kinetic energy? How does pressure affect the boiling point? Question #61797 Question #c9625 Question #5fbd7 Question #7917e Question #8185a Why is an airplane pressurized? Question #1762c The water pressure at the bottom of the Marianas Trench is approximately 1,100 kPa. With how much force would the water pressure at the bottom of the Marianas Trench push on a fish with a surface area of .50 m^2? A gas exerts a force of 5,610 N over an area of 0.342 m^2. What pressure does the gas exert in Pa? Mercury is a liquid that has a density of 13.5 g/mL. Water has of 1.0 g/mL. Equal volumes of mercury and water are in identical containers. How come the pressures exerted on the bottom of the containers are different? What will happen if I push the Torricelli tube into the cup more? Why can camels walk on top of sand but humans can not? Question #4dfdd What is the difference between "density" and "relative density"? Question #16ab1 Question #97f22 What is the difference between density and relative density? Question #96b61 Question #13de8 Does Boyle’s Law state that as volume increases, pressure decreases or as pressure increases, volume decreases? Question #59ebc Question #b8344 What's the pressure at a depth of 120 meters in the ocean? Question #8bc67 Briefly explain why the tyres of tractor are large and wide? Question #86931 A 5.7 diameter horizontal pipe gradually narrows to 3.6 cm. The the water flows through this pipe at certain rate, the gauge pressure in these two sections is 32.5 kPa and 24.0 kPa, respectively. What is the volume of rate of flow? Question #58d25 Question #b4179 Question #51c44 Question #57bf5 Question #2b1f4 Question #46b96 Question #efb3a Question #dc5bc Question #38469 A statue stands on a square base at the side of a garden pond. Both the base and statue are made of granite. How can the volume of the base be calculated without moving the statue? Question #2e732 How to calculate water pressure? Question #5d047 Whose principle states that the pressure exerted by a moving stream of fluid is less than the pressure of the surrounding fluid? Question #17019 Question #4ad26 Question #2e0a0 What are two things that molecules can do to cause an increase pressure? How much pressure will a man of weight 80 kgf exert on the ground if (1) he is lying and (2)he is standing on his feet? Given that the area of the body of the man is 0.6m² and that of his foot is 80cm².? Question #de564 Fluid Mechanics View all chapters Bouyant Forces Pressure Fluid Flow Gas Laws Prev Next