Upper and Lower Bounds
Key Questions
Best way is to find it from the graph of the function.
The range of a function can be found in many ways , best way and a concrete way is by plotting its graph and determining.
How you draw the graph depends on you, a generic way is by differentiating the function to get the critical points or the points of maxima or minima . Then you double differentiate the function to see if the critical point is a maxima or minima by putting the critical point in the double differentiated function. If the output is positive then is a minima , if its negative then its a maxima and if its zero then the test fails,we have to go for high derivative tests. The global maxima points give you the upper bound.
Also we can determine the point of inflection for the given curve to determine the convexity or concavity changes of the given function to make the graph more precise .
Thus, having plotted the graph we can tell the upper bound of the function by merely looking at the maximum value of y for all values of x.
Useful links:
A function
f is bounded in a subsetU of its domain if there exist constantsM, m in RR such thatm<=f(x)<=M, for allx in U. For example,
f(x)=sin(x) is bounded inRR because
-1<=sin(x)<=1, for allx in RR .
2.f(x)=x^2 is bounded in[0,1] because0<=x^2<=1, for allx in [0,1]. -
See below.
First of all, let's get rid of infinities: a function can tend to
\pm\infty either at the extreme points of its domain or because of some vertical asymptote.So, you should first of all check
lim_{x \to x_0} f(x) for every point
x_0 at the boundary of the domain. For example, if the domain is(-\infty,\infty) , you should checklim_{x \to \pm\infty} f(x) If the domain is like
\mathbb{R}\setminus{2} you should checklim_{x \to \pm\infty} f(x),\qquad lim_{x \to 2^\pm} f(x) and so on. If any of these limits is
-\infty , the function has no finite lower bound.Else, you can check the derivative: when you set
f'(x)=0 , you will find points of maximum of minimum. For everyx which solvesf'(x)=0 , you should computef''(x) . Iff''(x)>0 , the point is indeed a minumum.Now, in the most general case, you have a collection of points
x_1,...,x_n such thatf'(x_i)=0,\qquad f''(x_i)>0 for everyi=1,.., n Which means that they are all local minima of your function. The lower bound of the function, i.e. the global minimum, will be the smallest image of those points: you just need to compare
f(x_1), ..., f(x_n) , and choose the smallest one. -
If real numbers
L andU satisfy the inequalitiesL le f(x) le U ,for all
x in the domain off , thenL is a lower bound off andU is an upper bound off .
I hope that this was helpful.