How do you multiply (12i)(23i) in trigonometric form?

1 Answer
Jul 23, 2016

(12i)×(23i)=65(cosθ+isinθ), where θ=tan1(74)


Let us write the two complex numbers in polar coordinates and let them be

z1=r1(cosα+isinα) and z2=r2(cosβ+isinβ)

Here, if two complex numbers are a1+ib1 and a2+ib2 r1=a21+b21, r2=a22+b22 and α=tan1(b1a1), β=tan1(b2a2)

Their multiplicaton leads us to

{r1×r2}{(cosα+isinα)×(cosβ+isinβ)} or



{r1r2}[(cosαcosβsinαsinβ+i(sinαcosβ+sinαcosβ)] or

(r1r2)(cos(α+β)+isin(α+β)) or

z1z2 is given by (r1r2,(α+β))

So for multiplication of complex number z1 and z2 , take new angle as (α+β) and modulus r1r2 of the modulus of two numbers.

Here 12i can be written as r1(cosα+isinα) where r1=12+(2)2=5 and α=tan1(21)=tan1(2)

and 23i can be written as r2(cosβ+isinβ) where r2=22+(3)2=4+9=13 and β=tan1(32)

and z1z2=5×13(cosθ+isinθ), where θ=α+β

Hence, as tanθ=tan(α+β)=tanα+tanβ1tanαtanβ=(2)+(32)1(2)×(32)=7213=722=74.

and z=65

Hence, (12i)×(23i)=65(cosθ+isinθ), where θ=tan1(74)

Note that both α and β are in fourth quadrant based on signs of sine and cosine functions, hence θ=α+β ought to be between 3π and 4π. Hence as tanθ is positive, θ is in third quadrant.