How do you round both of these decimals to the nearest integer: 623.425 and 702.725? thank u so much!?

1 Answer
May 31, 2015

623.425 rounded to the nearest integer is 623
702.725 rounded to the nearest integer is 703

Consider the second of these: 702.725
The candidates to look at are 702 and 703.

702.725 is nearer to 703 because:

abs(703-702.725) = 0.275 < 0.725 = abs(702-702.725)

The tricky case is where you need to round a half integer such as 3.5 to the nearest integer. You could choose 3 or 4 and it is possible to argue for either. Accountants frequently choose to round to the nearest even integer in these cases, because if you add several rounded numbers together it is more likely to come out nearer the result of first adding the original numbers and rounding the result.