Order of Real Numbers

Key Questions

  • Answer:

    Irrational and rational numbers
    Rational numbers: integers, whole numbers, counting/natural numbers


    Real numbers are either irrational or rational. Rational numbers can be written as fractions (using two integers, such as 4/5 or -6/3). Terminating decimals and repeating decimals are examples of rational numbers.

    Rational numbers: 3, -9, 12, -777, 0.3bar3, 12/7, 0.46, 0.16bar6

    Irrational numbers: sqrt2, sqrt3, sqrt5, 2sqrt3, -sqrt13, pi

    There are several different groups of rational numbers. There are integers, whole numbers, and counting/natural numbers. Integers do not have decimals. They can be positive or negative.

    Integers: 6, 16, -72, 89, 23, -1, 0

    Whole numbers are all non-negative integers. Examples include 16, 0, 23, 45559.

    Natural/counting numbers are all positive integers. (We don't start counting from zero).

    Counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

  • You can either compare their decimal representations or compute the difference to see if it is positive or negative.

    Example 1



    Hence, pi < 2sqrt{3}.

    Example 2


    Hence, 2sqrt{2} > e

    I hope that this was helpful.

  • You can think of a real number as a number that has a decimal representation including the ones having infinitely many digits.

    I hope that this was helpful.
