Determining the Volume of a Solid of Revolution
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Let us look at the polar curve
r=3sin theta .The above is actually equivalent to the circle with radius
3/2 , centered at(0,3/2) , whose equation is:x^2+(y-3/2)^2=(3/2)^2 by solving for
y , we havey=pm sqrt{(3/2)^2-x^2}+3/2 By Washer Method, the volume of the solid of revolution can be found by
V=pi int_{-3/2}^{3/2}[(sqrt{(3/2)^2-x^2}+3/2)^2-(-sqrt{(3/2)^2-x^2}+3/2)^2] dx by simplifying the integrand,
=6pi int_{-3/2}^{3/2}sqrt{(3/2)^2-x^2} dx since the integral can be interpreted as the area of semicircle with radus
3/2 ,=6pi cdot {pi(3/2)^2}/2={27pi^2}/4
I hope that this was helpful.
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