Determining the Length of a Polar Curve
Key Questions
The Arc Length in Polar Coordinates is given bu:
L = int \ dS wheredS=sqrt(r^2+((dr)/(d theta))^2) \ d theta -
Use the chain rule.
By Chain Rule,
{dr}/{d theta}=3cos^2(theta/3)cdot[-sin(theta/3)]cdot1/3 by cleaning up a bit,
=-cos^2(theta/3)sin(theta/3) Let us first look at the curve
r=cos^3(theta/3) , which looks like this:Note that
theta goes from0 to3pi to complete the loop once.Let us now find the length
L of the curve.L=int_0^{3pi}sqrt{r^2+({dr}/{d theta})^2} d theta =int_0^{3pi}sqrt{cos^6(theta/3)+cos^4(theta/3)sin^2(theta/3)}d theta by pulling
cos^2(theta/3) out of the square-root,=int_0^{3pi}cos^2(theta/3)sqrt{cos^2(theta/3)+sin^2(theta/3)}d theta by
cos^2theta=1/2(1+cos2theta) andcos^2theta+sin^2theta=1 ,=1/2int_0^{3pi}[1+cos({2theta}/3)]d theta =1/2[theta+3/2sin({2theta}/3)]_0^{3pi} =1/2[3pi+0-(0+0)]={3pi}/2 I hope that this was helpful.
We can find the arc length
L of a polar curver=r(theta) fromtheta=a totheta=b byL=int_a^bsqrt{r^2+({dr}/{d theta})^2}d theta