How do you find the exact length of the polar curve r=e^theta ?

1 Answer
Sep 7, 2014

If theta goes from theta_1 to theta_2, then the arc length is sqrt{2}(e^{theta_2}-e^{theta_1}).

Let us look at some details.
L=int_{theta_1}^{theta_2}sqrt{r^2+({dr}/{d theta})^2}d theta
since r=e^{theta} and {dr}/{d theta}=e^{theta},
=int_{theta_1}^{theta_2}sqrt{(e^{theta})^2+(e^{theta})^2}d theta
by pulling e^{theta} out of the square-root,
=int_{theta_1}^{theta_2}e^{theta}sqrt{2} d theta=sqrt{2}int_{theta_1}^{theta_2}e^{theta} d theta
by evaluating the integral,