Limits Involving Infinity
Key Questions
lim_(x->oo)sqrt(x) = oo Explanation:
Intuitively, as there is no bound to how large we can make
sqrt(x) by increasingx , we expect that the limit asx->oo ofsqrt(x) would beoo . Indeed, if there were such a bound, sayx_0 , then we would arrive at a contradiction, assqrt(x_0^2+1) > sqrt(x_0^2)= x_0 .We can, however, approach the problem in a more rigorous manner.
We say that the limit as
x->oo of a functionf(x) isoo (alternatelyf(x)->oo asx->oo ), denotedlim_(x->oo)f(x)=oo , if, for every integerN>0 there exists an integerM>0 such thatx>M impliesf(x)>N .Less formally, that means that for any real value,
f(x) will be greater than that value for large enoughx .Our claim is that
lim_(x->oo)sqrt(x) = oo . Let's prove it using the above definition.
Take any integer
N>0 , and letM=N^2 . Then, for anyx>M , we havesqrt(x) >sqrt(M) = sqrt(N^2) = N We have shown that for any integer
N>0 there exists an integerM>0 such thatx>M impliessqrt(x) > N , thereby proving thatlim_(x->oo)sqrt(x) = oo .
The above method actually can be used to show that
x^k->oo asx->oo for anyk>0 . If we start with an arbitraryN>0 and letM=N^(1/k) , then forx>M we havex^k > M^k = (N^(1/k))^k=N . Assqrt(x) = x^(1/2) , the above is just a special case of this. -
Lim_(x->oo)x=oo Explanation:
Break the problem down into words: "What happens to a function,
x, as we continue increasingx without bound?"x would also increase without bound, or go tooo. Graphically, this tells us that as we continue heading right on the
x -axis (increasing values ofx, going tooo) our function, which is just a line in this case, keeps heading upwards (increasing) with no restrictions.graph{y=x [-10, 10, -5, 5]}
The answer is undefined.
lim_(x->-oo)sqrt(x)= undefinedThe reason for this is that the domain of the square root function is
x>=0 . The limit is undefined if the limit is not being evaluated in the domain. -
I usually do this informally.
I ask myself what kinds of numbers do I get if I put in more and more negative numbers for
x . (Often described by saying "bigger and bigger negative numbers".) ("Big" means "far from zero".)Examples:
Example 1
f(x) = 3x^4-7x^3+2x+72 For very very big numbers, the only term that matters is the largest power term:
3x^4 . As I put in bigger and bigger negatives, do I get bigger and bigger positives or negatives?x^4 will always be positive and when I multiply by3 the answer will still be positive, so I get bigger and bigger positive numbers.lim_(xrarr-oo)f(x) = oo Example 2
g(x) = 5x^7+43x^4+2x^3-5x+21 For very very big numbers, the only term that matters is the largest power term:
5x^7 . As I put in bigger and bigger negatives, do I get bigger and bigger positives or negatives?x^7 will be negative for negativex 's and when I multiply by5 the answer will still be negative, so I get bigger and bigger negative numbers.lim_(xrarr-oo)g(x) = -oo Example 3 (last)
h(x) = -8x^6+7x-3 For very very big numbers, the only term that matters is the largest power term:
-8x^6 . As I put in bigger and bigger negatives, do I get bigger and bigger positives or negatives?x^6 will be positive for allx 's and when I multiply by-8 the answer will become negative, so I get bigger and bigger negative numbers.lim_(xrarr-oo)h(x) = -oo