A Captain, Quartermaster, First Mate in a pirate ship divide a loot of coins. The 1st gets 1,400 coins, the 2nd 700 more than the first and the 3rd 1/2 of the combined. How much coins do they have? How much does the captain gets?

1 Answer
May 12, 2016

They have 5250 coins. Captain gets 1400 coins.


The question mentions that there are Captain, Quartermaster and First Mate in the pirate ship and loot of coins is divided between them.

It further mentions that 1st gets 1,400 coins. By this it apparently means Captain gets 1400 coins. This answers the second question that Captain gets 1400 coins.

The second gets 700 more coins than than the first and hence Quartermaster gets 1400+700=2100 coins.

The third i.e. First Mate gets 12 of the combined i.e. 1400+2100=3500. Hence he gets 12×3500=1750 coins.

Hence they have 1400+2100+1750=5250 coins in all.