For the unit vector hatthetaˆθ, geometrically show that hattheta = -sinthetahati + costhetahatjˆθ=−sinθˆi+cosθˆj? Essentially, converting from cartesian to polar, how would I determine the unit vector for vectheta→θ in terms of thetaθ, hatiˆi, and hatjˆj?
I've been able to show that hatr = costhetahati + sinthetahatjˆr=cosθˆi+sinθˆj :
costheta = hati/hatrcosθ=ˆiˆr
sintheta = hatj/hatrsinθ=ˆjˆr
=> ||hatr|| = sqrt(hatrcdothatr(cos^2theta + sin^2theta))⇒||ˆr||=√ˆr⋅ˆr(cos2θ+sin2θ)
= sqrt(hatrcdothatrcos^2theta + hatrcdothatrsin^2theta)=√ˆr⋅ˆrcos2θ+ˆr⋅ˆrsin2θ
= sqrt(hatrcostheta * hati + hatrsintheta hatj)=√ˆrcosθ⋅ˆi+ˆrsinθˆj
=> hatrcdothatr = ||hatr||^2 = hatrcosthetacdothati + hatrsinthetacdothatj⇒ˆr⋅ˆr=||ˆr||2=ˆrcosθ⋅ˆi+ˆrsinθ⋅ˆj
= hatrcdot(costhetahati + sinthetahatj)=ˆr⋅(cosθˆi+sinθˆj)
Thus, hatr = costhetahati + sinthetahatjˆr=cosθˆi+sinθˆj . But how would I do it for hatthetaˆθ ? I'm probably just missing something really simple, like where the hatthetaˆθ vector points.
I've been able to show that
2 Answers
See below.
We have then
Here for convenience, we call
so we have
deriving again
and finally
See the design in the explanation and the graph.
As a matter of convenience, I use
The unit vector in the direction
The parallel position vector through the origin O ( r = 0 ) is
the unit circle r = 1 , in the direction
P' is at
vector of the unit circle, in the direction
graph{(x^2+y^2-1)(y-x/sqrt3)(y+sqrt3x)=0 [-1, 1, -.05, 1]}
would represent
In brief,