Answers created by Mohan M.
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Examples of semi permeable membrane?
Why was spontaneous generation previously considered as a plausible explanation on how life can originate from an organic matter? How was it disproved?
Explain the relationship between evolution and classification?
Name of the enzyme present in pancreatic juice and their function?
How do calcium+ ions result in the movement of muscles when secreted by a sarcomere?
Does a nerve cell have lysosomes?
WHAT IS BIO ENERGETICS? Explain the bioenergetics and respiratory behaviour of a named animal.
Speciation is the formation of a new __________ through geographical isolation (species separated by a river or mountain) ?
During which step of meiosis do homologous chromosomes pair up?
What does middle ear do ?
Do bacteria cells have a cytoskeleton? Or organelles?
Why do different proteins contain a different number and a different sequence of amino acids?
What is the automatic response to a stimulus called ?
Does a tetrad occur even if there is no crossing over event that is occurring for Meiosis Prophase 1?
A new enzyme has been discovered in an Antarctic shrimp. This enzyme has been isolated and is being tested for use in the laboratory. At what temperature would you predict the enzyme to show optimal activity?
What’s the role of the different substance during photosynthesis,?
Explain the process of separating DNA fragments?
When DNA copying is drastic why newborn cell die?
What is the role of ATP in muscle contraction?
What is genetic drift and what is the evidence for it?
How genes control the traits class 10?
Why does Mycobacterium require special consideration in regards to disinfection?
When the memory cells of the immune system are not activated to pathogen exposure, what phase of the cell cycle are they likely in?
What are the 3 sources of stem cells?
What type of joint is the superior radio ulnar joint???
I know this is a synovial joint,but what's the subtype???
What happens to the chemical energy of an animal when it is eaten by another animal in an ecosystem?
What adaptation allowed plants to live on land?
What are the types of muscles?
What is lung capacity?
What is the difference between gene and genome?
Describe the relationship of the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary?
What are the flora and fauna like in Edmonton and Moscow?
Explain the life cycle of virus?
Are there different stages of cancer?
What is the hepatic portal system?
Other than breathing, how does oxygen enter the body?
What separates living from non-living?
What are alveoli?
What causes cardiac disease?
How does the cerebrum maintain homeostasis?
How are Ctenophores and Cniderians different?
Can a hybrid be a mutation? If we check the DNA of any organism, excepting clones, aren't all individual organisms unique? Do mutations occur all the time in sexual reproduction? Basically is variation a "slight" mutation?
gene regulation similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
What is the basis of organism classification?
Why is hemoglobin called the Robin Hood of the body?
What is Atherosclerosis?
Is interstitial fluid in vessels?
What role do the enzymes in photosynthesis play?
What is excretory material?
What type of muscle tissue works slowly, but constantly?
Why can't muscles on stumps of limbs regenerate?
What maintains cell homeostasis?
What is 'Folding of polypeptide chain'?And what is its effect?
How large is a protein?
Question #0b0af
Question #0b0af
Does everybody have at least a little plaque in their arteries?
What is the hole in stomach called? What is the cotton-like substance I find in there every 6-8 hours, even if I take a bath?
What is the function of the reproductive system?
What is the function of the glomerulus and the bowman's capsule?
Explain why it is essential for the ligand on a virus to bind to a specific cell receptor for a virus to infect it?
How do sloths defend themselves against predators?
When is meiosis complete?
What are capillaries?
What are smelling salts?
What are smelling salts?
What is the location of flagella?
What are disorders associated with the liver?
Can biliary dyskinesia (gallbladder disease) cause an almost constant pain under the ribs?
What do Benedict's reagent, Sudan IV's reagent, and Lugal's iodine do?
What senses do sharks use for predation?
How are organisms in the kingdom Monera separated?
How does an organism’s genotype determine its phenotype?
What are some examples of Dalton's law of partial pressure?
What is the role of the enzyme lipase?
What causes hiccups?
What are the blood glucose levels of someone with diabetes?
What does it mean if your tonsils are sensitive?
What are endotherms?
What is lymph?
When a girl bends her arm, she uses a different muscle to bring it back to the original position. Why can’t she use the same muscle to both bend and straighten her arm?
What is the importance of retroperitoneal organs?
What are effects of testosterone?
What is 'opercularization' during embryonic development of brain?
Is there any true chordate without heart?
How does stagnant water affect photosynthesis?
What organ systems are influenced by the lymphatic system?
How does the human digestive system change food into nutrients?
What are the 3 basic parts of all cells?
How are helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans?
What is the use of HCl in the stomach? What happens in case of excess HCl secretion? How are stomach ulcers caused?
When a blood clot becomes dislodged what is it called?
Why are coral reefs found only in clear tropical waters?
Can high amounts of sodium cause blood clots?
The middle portion of a sperm contains what, that produces energy?
Why would the presence of protein in the urine indicate kidney damage? Also, why should the presence of glucose in the urine cause concern?
What does the heart consist of or what is it mostly made up of?
What is a pioneer organism?
Why does blood clot outside our body? Why doesn't it clot inside our body?
Why does blood clot outside our body? Why doesn't it clot inside our body?