Exponential Growth and Decay
Key Questions
An equation of exponential decay typically takes the form
A(t) = A(0)e^(kt) wherek<0 , though sometimes these will be written asA(0)e^(-kt) and havek>0 . Either form is acceptable, though some argue that the first form is more accurate, so that is the form that shall be used here. Note that there are several possible sets of information you may be given.As your question deals specifically with finding the equation (as opposed to the value the function takes at some time
t=m ) you will typically be asked to find eitherk , or more rarelyA(0) (also written sometimes asA_0 ). In a case where one is being asked to findk , typically one has been given the value forA_0 (the initial value of the function at timet=0 ) andA(m) (the value ofA(t) at timet=m . From this, we can find the value ofk and complete our function as follows:A(m) = A_0 e^(km)
(A(m))/A_0 = e^(km)
ln((A(m))/A_0) = km (remember thatln(e^x) = x )
ln(A(m)) - ln(A_0) = km
[ln(A(m))-ln(A_0)]/m = k Then this value of
k can be substituted in, and since we knowA_0 , we can complete our function ofA(t) = A_0e^(kt) (note thatt is still our independent variable,A(t) our dependent variable, ande a constant approx. equal to 2.718282, defined such thatln(e) = 1 Alternately, if one is tasked with finding
A(0) , one has likely already been givenk and the valueA(m) of the function at some timet=m . In this case, our process is far easier.A(m) = A_0e^(km) Since we have values for
A(m), k, andm (which is our value fort at this point, recall), and since an exponential function cannot equal 0 unless the base equals 0, we can simply perform division to obtain:(A(m))/(e^(km)) = A_0 -
Exponential growth is basically growth that begins at a slow rate, but then gets faster as it goes. On a graph it looks like this:

Exponential growth can be modelled using the following equation:
y = ab^(x-h)+k This video helps explain how exponential functions work:
Intro to Exponential Functions
Exponential growth is also a concept related to population growth that you will see in ecology. This video helps explain how it works: