Questions asked by Truong-Son N.
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How to do this equilibrium derivation? (I'll post an answer showing the problem)
What makes the classical dipole moment for water different than its experimental result? I used r = 0.958 angstroms, A_(HOH) = 104.4776^o, and q_(OH) = -0.52672 a.u., where a.u. = electron-charge. My result was 1.484 D, compared to 1.85 D.
Any chance second-semester/year Organic Chemistry topic categories can be added? e.g. Grignard Reactions, Benzene Sub/Elim Rxns, Robinson Annulation, etc.?
What is the overall charge of the Pro-Met-Phe-Ser-Glu-Leu polypeptide at pH 7.2? I've drawn it, and I think it's -1, but I'm not 100% sure.
When using Greater Than symbol to indent, the content that goes after it cannot be commented on or marked helpful/confusing?
Is there a way to write rightleftharpoons with something above and below, while still keeping rightleftharpoons on the same line as the rest of the text? This would be useful for equilibrium reactions and kinetics.
Writing [content]|_(a)^(b) gives a Math Processing Error?
What is a dilation, or scaling around a point?
What are all the relevant extensive and intensive thermodynamic quantities?
Browser compatibility --- Can't answer questions when using Internet Explorer?
How many isomers of [insert straight-chained alkane here] exist?
What happened to the "Unanswered questions" button, the ability to sort questions according to "Conceptual" vs. "Practice", etc. on the Subject pages?
Ordered lists can't be commented on or rated?
When is the aspartate mechanism used for transferring oxaloacetate from the mitochondrion to the cytosol?
Is there a systematic way to determine the number of numbers between 10 and, say, 50, divisible by their units digits?
What are the roles of each member of the SHD catalytic triad? How does the mechanism work?
How do you find the LU factorization for tildeA = [(1,0),(-3,1)] such that tildeL is unit diagonal?
How do you use symmetry-adapted linear combinations to explain water's molecular bonding?
How do you efficiently show that for the vector space V where f(x) is continuous on [0,15] and W where f(x) is differentiable on [0,15], W is a subspace in V, i.e. W sube V?
Suppose there was a basis for and a certain number of dimensions for subspace W in RR^4. Why is the number of dimensions 2?
What is the difference between the trans influence and trans effect on square-planar transition metal complex substitution/interchange reactions? So is the trans influence defined under the trans effect or alongside, or both?
What's the visual and mathematical difference between a vector projection of a onto b and an orthogonal projection of a onto b? Are they just different ways to say the same thing?
What is an Abelian group, from a linear/abstract algebra perspective?
Have we ever used ""^56 "Co" for any interesting industrial purpose(s)? Cite any sources you may find on this.
Find the matrix A for the linear transformation T relative to the bases B = {1,x,x^2} and B' = {1,x,x^2,x^3} such that T(vecx) = Avecx?
What is going on with the alkyl migration step in the Schmidt reaction mechanism on a ketone?
Prove quantitatively that for infinitesimally small Deltax, (Deltax)/x ~~ Delta(lnx)?
How do I calculate the new pressure of liquid water using its isothermal compressibility kappa and expansion coefficient alpha?
Without using Wolfram Alpha, evaluate log_10(y) = -138.265? The answer is not 0.
How do you find the infinite sum of a p series? EX: 1/n^2
How do you write position and momentum in terms of the raising and lowering operators?
Prove that for an ideal-gas reaction, (dlnK_C^@)/(dT) = (DeltaU^@)/(RT^2)?
A certain gas mixture is held at 395^@ "C" has the following initial partial pressures: P_(Cl_2) = 351.4, P_(CO) = 342.0, P_(COCl_2) = 0, all in "torr". Find K_P^@?
Using psi_0 = ((2c)/(pi))^("1/4")e^(-cx^2) as the normalized ground-state wave function, find c, and the trial energy E_phi such that E_phi = (<< phi_0 | hatH | phi_0 >>)/(<< phi_0 | phi_0 >>) >= E_0, where E_0 is the exact ground-state energy?
Despite the large difference in electronegativity between "Si" and "F", "SiF"_4 has a boiling point lower than that of "NH"_3 (-86^@ "C", vs. -33^@ "C"). Why is that? Could it be due to the symmetry? Hydrogen-bonding?
Use the Debye-Huckel equation to evaluate gamma_(pm) for a "0.0200 mol/kg" "HCl" solution, with methanol as the solvent, at 25^@ "C" and "1 atm"?
How would I determine all the possible term symbols for an s^1p^2 electron configuration (such as first-excited-state boron)?
Will there ever be a feature to export PDFs of scratchpads (including all the cool MathJax going on)?
What is int 9/(x^2sqrt(4x+1))dx?
Is there a systematic way to determine an integrating factor mu(x,y) of the form x^n y^m, given a not-necessarily-exact differential equation?
For the nonhomogeneous equation, using the method of undetermined coefficients, the solution I got for (d^2y)/(dx^2) - 5(dy)/(dx) + 6y = xe^x is y = (xe^x)/2 + (3e^x)/4, but along the way I got two solutions for A_1?
How would I convert kinetic energy for one particle in six dimensions (x, y, z, and their time derivatives) from Cartesian to spherical coordinates? Note: dotq = (delq)/(delt), and this is from a 1962 Statistical Mechanics textbook by Norman Davidson.
For the unit vector hattheta, geometrically show that hattheta = -sinthetahati + costhetahatj? Essentially, converting from cartesian to polar, how would I determine the unit vector for vectheta in terms of theta, hati, and hatj?
If I had N fermions, how could I determine the number of ways I can place these into g distinguishable containers? For example, how could I determine how many ways I could place 54 electrons into 54 p orbitals?
Suppose you have "500.0 mL" of "0.200 M" acetic acid (K_a = 1.8 xx 10^(-5)). To make a "pH" 4.50 buffer, how many "mL" of "3.0 M" "NaOH" must be added?
What trigonometric identity was used to get from sin((kpix)/L)[A_kcos((kpict)/L) + B_ksin((kpict)/L)] to E_ksin((kpix)/L)cos[(kpic)/L(t-t_k)]? What is the relationship between the pair of constants E_k and t_k, and the pair A_k and B_k?
How do I verify the percent composition of "MgSO"_4cdotx"H"_2"O" in this Epsom Salt package and solve for x?
Given the distribution of N particles in n systems, t = prod_N prod_i (n!)/(n_(N_i)!), and the following constraints, derive the grand canonical partition function and the distribution law for the grand ensemble?
Is there an error in this question: Show that ((del^2Q)/(delbeta^2))_V = bar(E^2) - barE^2 (the variance of the energy)? beta is only a function of temperature T, not a function of volume V. E is a function of only V.
How could I compare a SYSTEM of linear second-order partial differential equations with two different functions within them to the heat equation? Please also provide a reference that I can cite in my paper.
Given internal coordinates of a molecule (say, "CCl"_3"Br"), its relevant bond length(s), and bond angle(s), how do you calculate the moments of inertia in each direction? r_(C-Br) = "1.91 Å", r_(C-Cl) = "1.77 Å", /_ClCBr = 109.4bar(66)^@
y(x,t) = Ce^(iomegax//c)e^(-iomegat) = Ce^(ialpha), where alpha = (2pix)/lambda - 2pi nut... Show that for standing waves, y(x,t) = Asin((npix)/L)sin(2pin nu_0 t + delta)? You may want to note the boundary conditions of a vibrating guitar string.
Could someone elaborate on orthogonal polynomials?
How do I truncate this infinite series by choosing an odd l?
How do I calculate the Fourier Transform of a/(2pi) 1/(a^2 + x^2)?
How do you show that lim_(r->oo) e^(ircostheta - rsintheta) = 0?
How do I use this proved result for the Dirac Delta function to evaluate the following integral involving a Dirac Delta function of a function?
Why does a Gaussian wave packet take on the minimum value of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
Conceptually, why does a Fourier transform connect the wave function in a position representation to its representation in the momentum representation?
How do you use spherical Bessel functions of the first and second kind to solve the following ordinary differential equation?
What could the ""^(n)"Pr" mean in ""^(n)"PrNH"_2?
How do you generalize Delta(PV) from d(PV)?
Calculate for the first-excited state psi_1(x) of the simple harmonic oscillator the value of the Heisenberg Uncertainty relation?
How can we prove that |m_l| <= l, i.e. that the magnetic quantum number can be no bigger than l, and no more negative than -l?
How do we know that the atomic orbital angular momentum magnitude is sqrt(l(l+1))ℏ, where ℏ = h//2pi?
Why is there a discrepancy in the force constants of "HBr" vs. "HCl"?
A "100.00-mL" solution containing "0.500 M" "NH"_3 and "0.500 M" "NH"_4^+ ("pK"_a = 9.26) had "NaOH" added to it, and increased to a "pH" of 10.26. If "20.45 mL" of "NaOH" was added, what was its molarity at the time of addition?
What is the internal energy for an isothermal process?
What is the van't Hoff factor for a binary ionic compound "MX" for which ion pairing has led to a percent dissociation of 50%?