Questions asked by Cesareo R.
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What is the graphic of f(x) = sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+...)))) for x ge 0?
Given p_1=(1,1), p_2=(6,3), p_3=(4,5) and the straight y = 1.5-(x-4) what is the point p=(x,y) pertaining to the straight, minimizing norm(p_1-p) + norm(p_2-p)+norm(p_3-p)?
Given C_1->y^2+x^2-4x-6y+9=0, C_2->y^2+x^2+10x-16y+85=0 and L_1->x+2y+15=0, determine C->(x-x_0)^2+(y-y_0)^2-r^2=0 tangent to C_1,C_2 and L_1?
Given L_1->x+3y=0, L_2=3x+y+8=0 and C_1=x^2+y^2-10x-6y+30=0, determine C->(x-x_0)^2+(y-y_0)^2-r^2=0 tangent to L_1,L_2 and C_1?
What is the inverse function of f(x) = cosh(x+a/cosh(x+a/cosh(x+cdots))) with domain and range?
Given f(x) = cosh(x+a/cosh(x+a/cosh( cdots))) and g(x) its inverse, what is the minimum distance between then for a > 0?
If sinx+siny=a and cosx+cosy=b how do you find cos(x-y) ?
If sinx+siny=a and cosx+cosy=b how do you find x,y ?
If (x+sqrt(x^2+1))(y+sqrt(y^2+1))=1 what is x+y?
lim_(n->oo)((sqrt(1)+sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+cdots+sqrt(n))/(n sqrt(n))) ?
lim_(n->oo)(1/(1 xx 2)+1/(2 xx 3)+1/(3 xx4) + cdots + 1/(n(n+1)))?
What is the greater: 1000^(1000) or 1001^(999)?
Find the real solution(s) of sqrt(3-x)-sqrt(x+1) > 1/3 ?
Given the sequence a_0=1,a_1=2, a_(k+1)=a_k+(a_(k-1))/(1+a_(k-1)^2), k > 1 for what value of k occours 52 < a_k < 65 ?
alpha, beta are real numbers such that alpha^3-3alpha^2+5 alpha - 17=0 and
beta^3-3beta^2+5beta+11 = 0. What is the value of alpha+beta ?
Given a in RR^+, a ne 1 and n in NN, n > 1 Prove that n^2 < (a^n + a^(-n)-2)/(a+a^(-1)-2)?
Given {r,s,u,v} in RR^4 Prove that min {r-s^2,s-u^2,u-v^2,v-r^2} le 1/4?
Find the real solutions for {(x^4-6x^2y^2+y^4=1),(4x^3y+4xy^3=1):}?
Given the sequence a_1=sqrt(y),a_2=sqrt(y+sqrt(y)), a_3 = sqrt(y+sqrt(y+sqrt(y))), cdots determine the convergence radius of sum_(k=1)^oo a_k x^k ?
Prove that for n > 1 we have 1 xx 3 xx 5 xx 7 xx cdots xx(2n-1) < n^n?
What is the value of log_2(Pi_(m=1)^2017Pi_(n=1)^2017(1+e^((2 pi i n m)/2017))) ?
Is sqrt(2)^(sqrt(2)) rational ? And sqrt(2)^(sqrt(2)^sqrt(2))?. And sqrt(2)^(sqrt(2)^(sqrt(2)^cdots))?
Prove that 3^x-1=y^4 or 3^x+1=y^4 have not integer positive solutions. ?
Determine all integer pairs (x,y) with x < y such that the sum of all the integers strictly contained between then is equal 2016?
Given {(p(x)=x^4+a x^3+b x^2+c x+1),(q(x)=x^4+c x^3+b x^2+a x + 1):} find the conditions for a, b, c, (a ne c) such that p(x) and q(x) have two common roots, then solve p(x)=0 and q(x) = 0?
The equations {(y = c x^2+d, (c > 0, d < 0)),(x = a y^2+ b, (a > 0, b < 0)):} have four intersection points. Prove that those four points are contained in one same circle ?
Proof that N = (45+29 sqrt(2))^(1/3)+(45-29 sqrt(2))^(1/3) is a integer ?
Find the solutions x > 0 in RR for 2^x + 2^(1+1/sqrt(x))=6?
Solve for x in RR the equation sqrt(x+3-4sqrt(x-1))+sqrt(x+8-6sqrt(x-1))=1 ?
Let be N the smallest integer with 378 divisors. If N = 2^a xx 3^b xx 5^c xx 7^d, what is the value of {a,b,c,d} in NN ?
Find {x,y} in NN such that (1-sqrt(2)+sqrt(3))/(1+sqrt(2)-sqrt(3))=(sqrt(x)+sqrt(y))/2?
What is the ellipse which has vertices at v_1 = (5,10) and v_2=(-2,-10), passing by point p_1=(-5,-4)?
What is the smallest integer n such that n! = m cdot 10^(2016)?
How to factor a^8+b^8 ?
If f_0(x)=1/(1-x) and f_k(x)=f_0(f_(k-1)(x)) what is the value of f_(2016)(2016)?
If f(7+x)=f(7-x), forall x in RR and f(x) has exactly three roots a,b,c, what is the value of a+b+c?
Let f such that f:RR->RR and for some positive a the equation f(x+a)=1/2+sqrt(f(x)+f(x)^2) holds for all x. Prove that the function f(x) is periodic?
Given the equation sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(x)))))=x/3. How many real solutions it have?
Suppose that f:RR->RR has the properties
(a) |f(x)| le 1, forall x in RR
(b) f(x+13/42)+f(x)=f(x+1/6)+f(x+1/7), forall x in RR
Prove that f is periodic?
Given f:[0,1]->RR an integrable function such that
int_0^1f(x)dx=int_0^1 xf(x)dx= 1 prove that int_0^1f(x)^2dx ge 4?
Let P(x)=x^n+5x^(n-1)+3 where n > 1 is an integer. Prove that P(x) cannot be expressed as the product of two polynomials, each of which has all its coefficients integers and degree at least 1?
Consider the polynomial f(x)=x^4-4ax^3+6b^2x^2-4c^3x+d^4 where a,b,c,d are positive real numbers. Prove that if f has four positive distinct roots, then a > b > c > d?
Find all polynomials P(x) with real coefficients for which
Find the polynomial P(x) with real coefficients such that P(2)=12 and
P(x^2)=x^2(x^2+1)P(x) for each x in RR?
If sum_(i=1)^n theta_i= pi with theta_i ge 0 what is the maximum value for sum_(i=1)^n sin^2theta_i?
What is the value of S=sqrt(6+2sqrt(7+3sqrt(8+4sqrt(9+cdots))))?
Let a=root(2016)(2016). Which of the following two numbers is greater 2016 or a^(a^(a^(a^(vdots^a))))?
Prove that sum_(k=1)^n 1/(sin2^kx)=cot x - cot 2^nx for every x ne (kpi)/2^k, x in RR, n in NN^+?
Prove that the fraction (21n+4)/(14n+3) is irreducible for every n in NN?
Given the system {(x+y+z=a),(x^2+y^2+z^2=b^2),(xy=z^2):} determine the conditions over a,b such that x,y,z are distinct positive numbers?
What is the solution for cos^nx-sin^nx=1 witn n in NN^+?
Given {a,b,c} in [-L,L] What is the probability that the roots of a x^2+b x + c = 0 be real?
There are 77 right-angled blocks of dimensions 3xx3xx1. Is it possible to place all these blocks in a closed rectangular block of dimensions 7xx9xx11?
If a_k in RR^+ and s = sum_(k=1)^na_k. Prove that for any n > 1 we have prod_(k=1)^n(1+a_k) < sum_(k=0)^n s^k/(k!)?
Can you solve this problem in Mechanics?
A parabola is drawn on the plane. Build its axis of symmetry with the help of a compass (drawing tool) and a ruler.?
Find the solutions of x^2=2^x?
Can you solve this problem on Mechanics?
Another problem on Mechanics?
More on Mechanics?
How to solve this exercise in Mechanics?
Solve this exercise in Mechanics?
lim_(n->oo)(1^alpha+2^alpha+cdots+n^alpha)/n^(alpha+1) =?
Given the surface f(x,y,z)=y^2 + 3 x^2 + z^2 - 4=0 and the points p_1=(2,1,1) and p_2=(3,0,1) determine the tangent plane to f(x,y,z)=0 containing the points p_1 and p_2?
How to determine an ellipse passing by the four points p_1 = {5, 10},p_2 = {-2, -10};p_3 = {-5, -4};p_4 = {5, -5};?
Given ABC a triangle where bar(AD) is the median and let the segment line bar(BE) which meets bar(AD) at F and bar(AC) at E.
If we assume that bar(AE)=bar(EF), show that bar(AC)=bar(BF)?.
What is the value of lim_(n->oo)sum_(k=0)^n(2n+1)/(n+k+1)^2?
How does the profile of the ground have to be, to be able to drive with triangular wheels (equilateral) and without bumps?
How do you solve for x in RR the equation x! = e^x ?
Do there exist real numbers a,b such that
(1) a+b is rational and a^n+b^n is irrational for each natural n ge 2
(2) a+b is irrational and a^n+b^n is rational for each natural n ge 2?
Given the integer N >0 there are exactly 2017 ordered pairs {x,y } of positive integers satisfying 1/x+1/y=1/N. Prove that N is a perfect square ?
In Cuba there are banknotes with values of 3, 10 and 20 pesos. Using only these banknotes, what is the largest amount that can not be formed?
With abs c gt absa+absb calculate lim_(x->oo)1/x int_0^x (dt)/(a sint+ bcost+c)?
Fill in the circles with numbers from 1 to 8 in such a way, that connected circles does not contain consecutive numbers.?
Find the positive integer n such that sum_(k=1)^n floor(log_2 k) = 2018?
Solve cos(cos(cos(x)))=sin(sin(sin(x))) ?
Let N be the positive integer with 2018 decimal digits, all of them 1: that is N = 11111cdots111. What is the thousand digit after the decimal point of sqrt(N)?
Evaluate lim_(n->oo) 1/n^4 prod_(j=1)^(2n) (n^2+j^2)^(1/n)?
Solve the diophantine equation x-y^4=4 where x is a prime?
Find all triples (x,y,p) where x and y are positive integers and p is a prime, satisfying the equation x^5+x^4+1 = p^y?
Find the positive integer solutions to the equation x^3-y^3=x y+61?
What is the least natural number n for which the equation floor(10^n/x)=2018 has an integer solution?
Watering a garden?
Find the remainder when 9 xx 99 xx 999 xx \underbrace{99 cdots 9}_{2017" " 9's} is divided by 1000?
Determine the a value 0 < a < 1 in 1/16 log_a256^("colog"_(a^2)256^(log_(a^4)256^{cdots^("colog"_(a^(2^64))256)}))="Im"[z]
where z is the solution for 2^4033 z^2-2^2017 z+1 = 0
(A)1/4, (B)1/8, (C)1/16, (D)1/32, (E) 1/64 ?
Find the triangles with angles A, B, C and correspondingly opposite sides a,b.c such that
has a minimum. Does this expression have a maximum?
For any point P inside a given triangle ABC, denote by x, y, and z the distances from P to the lines [BC], [AC], and [AB], respectively. Find the position
of P for which the sum x^2 + y^2 + z^2 is a minimum.?
If (x+1)^n = sum_(k=0)^n c_k x^k then show sum_(k=0)^n 3^k c_k = 2^(2n) ?
Given a = 1+sqrt2 find lim_(x->0)((a+x)^a/a^(a+x))^(1/x) Try not to use the L'Hopital method.?