De Moivre’s and the nth Root Theorems

Key Questions

  • If the complex number zz is

    z=r(cos theta + i sin theta)z=r(cosθ+isinθ),

    then z^nzn can be written as

    z^n=[r(cos theta+i sin theta)]^n=r^n[cos theta+i sin theta]^nzn=[r(cosθ+isinθ)]n=rn[cosθ+isinθ]n

    by De Mivre's Theorem,

    =r^n[cos(n theta)+i sin(n theta)]=rn[cos(nθ)+isin(nθ)]

    I hope that this was helpful.

  • Answer:

    z^(1/n) = r^(1/n) ( cos (theta/n) + i sin(theta/n))z1n=r1n(cos(θn)+isin(θn))


    Polar form of complex number is z = r( cos theta + i sin theta)z=r(cosθ+isinθ)


    By De Morvies theorem,

    z^(1/n) = r^(1/n) ( cos (theta/n) + i sin(theta/n))z1n=r1n(cos(θn)+isin(θn))

  • Answer:

    More of the cases, to find expresions for sinnxsinnx or cosnxcosnx as function of sinxsinx and cosxcosx and their powers. See below


    Moivre's theorem says that (cosx+isinx)^n=cosnx+isinnx(cosx+isinx)n=cosnx+isinnx

    An example ilustrates this. Imagine that we want to find an expresion for cos^3xcos3x. Then

    (cosx+isinx)^3=cos3x+isin3x(cosx+isinx)3=cos3x+isin3x by De Moivre's theorem

    By other hand applying binomial Newton's theorem, we have


    Then, equalizing both expresions as conclusion we have

